Demographics refers to statistical data (age, gender, income, etc.) collected for a particular population.
Psychographics refers to information about a particular population's attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria.
Demographic or psychographic information can be found using the following:
You can use business databases such as Statista, ABI/INFORM Collection, and Business Source Ultimate to find demographic and/or psychographic information.
In Statista, you can simply search for your topic -- for example: "smart tv". You'll then find statistics, forecasts, surveys, etc. related to the topic.
In ABI/INFORM Collection and Business Source Ultimate, for demographic information, use a search such as [your topic] AND demograph*.
You may also want to include terms for particular demographic groups in your searches -- for example, [your topic] AND "generation x" or [your topic] AND (hispanic* OR latino* OR latina*).
For psychographic information in ABI/INFORM Collection and Business Source Ultimate, use a search such as [your topic] AND (psychograph* "buy* attitude*" OR "buy* behavior*" OR "buy* belief*" OR "consumer attitude*" OR "consumer behavior*" OR "consumer belief*" OR "customer attitude*" OR "customer behavior*" OR "customer belief*" OR "purchas* attitude*" OR "purchas* behavior*" OR "purchas* belief*" OR "shopp* attitude*" OR "shopp* behavior*" OR "shopp* belief*").
It will also be helpful to search for [your topic] AND (buyer* OR consumer* OR customer* OR purchaser* OR shopper*) AND (data OR research OR survey*).
There are numerous print books available in USMAI Book Search, the UMGC Library catalog, that can be used for demographic and/or psychographic research. These include:
You can find information about demographics and/or psychographics by using the Library's ebook databases to search for:
demograph* OR psychograph*
There are many resources on the free Web that can be used to find demographic data, including: