Author last name, first initial. (Date). Article title. Magazine Title, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI or URL
See specific examples below.
Daily or weekly magazines:
Jackson, P. (2011, March 1). Navy Yard Hill and the founding of Washington City. Capitol Hill Historian, 2, 5-9.
Monthly magazines:
Niu, J. (2012, March-April). An overview of web archiving. D-Lib, 18(3-4).
What is a DOI?
Some library databases, such as Academic Search Ultimate and APA PsycInfo, provide a digital object identifier (DOI) for individual articles. A DOI is a unique identifier for an online work. In the database record for an article, you will see an element that looks like this, which you should include at the end of your APA reference, preceded by "":
This link will allow a reader to link to for more information about the article.
Norman, A. D. (1988, March). Infuriating by design. Psychology Today, 22(3), 52-56.
If a magazine article from a database does not have a DOI, do not include a DOI or a URL.
Borowitz, A. (2004, November 15). Pavlov's brother. New Yorker, 80(35), 63-66.
Borowitz, A. (2004, November 15). Pavlov's brother. New Yorker, 80(35), 63-66.
See Publication Manual, p. 320.