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UMGC Library Webinars

Upcoming Webinars, Spring 2025

No reservations are required. Sessions are limited to 500 participants.

As a UMGC student, you have a free Zoom account! If you haven't yet set it up, please follow the instructions here, or please contact the UMGC Help Center for assistance activating your UMGC Zoom account.

Review your research skills and learn how to use the library more effectively! We'll cover the many sources and tools available in our OneSearch database, as well as how to search in the library using Boolean logic. We'll also cover citations and even how to use AI to check a citation you've written. Please join us for an hour of library learning!

  • February 20, 7-8 PM US Eastern Time

  • March 20, 7-8 PM US Eastern Time

All UMGC students and faculty are welcome to attend a virtual presentation to learn more about some of the UMGC Library’s databases that can be used for business research. During the presentation, we will show some useful features of the library’s main business databases. We will demonstrate how the databases can be used to find company information and profiles, industry profiles and trends, financial information (including business ratios), SWOT analyses, country profiles, and more. 

  • April 16, 7-8 PM US Eastern Time

Recent Sessions and Recordings