To search for datasets, use the search box at the top of the Find Data page.
Using at least two search terms is recommended. For example: income health china
Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. For example: "social mobility"
You can combine keywords and phrases. For example: "united states" inmates
Use a minus sign (-) to exclude a term from your search results. For example: "white collar crime" -fraud
ICPSR partners with several federal statistical agencies and foundations to create collections organized around specific topics, such as child and family data, health and medical care, measures of effective teaching, criminal justice data, census data, and more.
To see currently available topics, please visit Thematic Data Collections.
The ICPSR Bibliography of Data-Related Literature is a freely available searchable database of thousands of known published works and grey literature that were created based on analyses of ICPSR data. Database citations include both a link to the publication based on the data and a link to the ICPSR data that were analyzed.
The Bibliography is available from