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MLA Citation Examples

Format for magazine articles


  1. Author.
  2. "Title of Article."
  3. Title of Magazine,
  4. Volume number, issue number,
  5. Publication Date,
  6. Page number(s).
  7. Title of Database,
  8. DOI or URL.


Author. "Title of Article." Title of Magazine, vol. #, no. #, date, pp. #-#. Title of Database, DOI or URL.

See specific examples below. If an online edition does not have volume/issue or page numbers, omit them from the citation. And see here for more information on DOIs and URLs.

Library database

Daily or weekly magazines:

Updike, John. "Dreamy Wilderness." The New Yorker, vol. 84, no. 35, 3 Nov. 2008, p. 112. Academic OneFile,

Monthly magazines:

Newman, Judith. "Funny Girl." Ladies Home Journal, vol. 31, no. 5, June 2014, pp. 42-47. MasterFILE Premier,

Free Web

Daily or weekly magazines:

Grossman, Lev. "Jhumpa Lahiri: The Quiet Laureate." Time, 8 May 2008,,9171,1738511,00.html.

Monthly magazines:

Brady, Heather. "The Well-hidden World of Whiskey Aging." National Geographic, 29 July 2016,

In print

Daily or weekly magazines:

Aviv, Rachel. "Captain of Her Soul: The Philosopher Martha Nussbaum's Emotions." The New Yorker, vol. 92, no. 22, 25 July 2016, pp. 34-43.

Monthly magazines:

Beard, Alison. "Life's Work." Harvard Business Review, vol. 93, no. 4, Apr. 2015, p. 116.