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Library Services for Faculty

Ebook Purchase Requests

In special cases, the Library may be able to purchase ebooks through our vendors. These requests should come through the Integrative Learning Design (ILD) department. For additional questions please contact your ILD parnter or library liaison. Ebook purchases are considered on a case-by-case basis, using the following criteria:

  • How crucial is the proposed ebook to meeting the course outcomes and objectives? 

  • Is this a core class, or a high enrollment class for the department? 

  • Is there something the Library already owns or an OER that meets the need? 

  • Is the cost prohibitive?

  • Does the ebook add value to the collection overall? 

Ebook Collections

The Library may own books and other resources that you can use in your classroom. Librarians are available to help you search for ebooks, articles, videos, and other resources, including Open Educational Resources. For more information, contact your library liaison.

Ebook collections that you can search for course materials

Some additional collections offering background and reference materials