The UMGC Library ("the Library") provides access to electronic resources (research databases) to current UMGC students, faculty, and staff. Development of the electronic resources collection is concentrated on higher education, online education, technology, and instructional and adult/continuing education issues, as governed by the Library’s mission of providing extensive online academic and scholarly resources not otherwise accessible for free online as well as user-centered services.
The Library centralizes our electronic resources collection development strategic planning in order to more effectively coordinate and organize evaluation, operations, and procurement, utilizing the following guidelines.
The Library engages in open access electronic resources collection development in the following ways.
The Library will analyze available statistics from the discovery system, SFX, EZproxy, and vendor statistics, as applicable, in order to determine usage over time.
The following procedures are guidelines for the evaluation of new or upgraded electronic resources.
The following license procedures are guidelines when negotiating and executing new and amended license agreements for electronic resources.
The Library electronic resources and access staff seek to preserve and maintain access to electronic resources, as provided by vendors for current subscriptions, by timely following and resolving issues and monitoring changes to interfaces.
The Library staff strive to maintain secure authentication to electronic resources subscriptions, as required by UMGC processes and procedures and vendor terms and conditions in license agreements.