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A Library Subject Guide

Recommended Databases

Using Ebooks

When writing a research paper, ebooks can be a great scholarly resource, providing background information, as well as in-depth information on a topic. You can find ebooks in the UMGC library collection, or on the free web. Ebooks are included in OneSearch, which is available below and also from the Library home page. You can search by selecting Ebooks Only from the dropdown menu. 

The UMGC Library subscribes to other great ebook databases that cannot be found in this search. To search these collections you should go directly to the source. 

You can also find great ebook collections on the free web. Remember, when using material from the free web, it is important to evaluate what you find. 

Ebook Search (select Ebooks Only from drop-down)

Using Websites

When used appropriately, websites can add great value to your research reference list. Websites can provide valuable evidence to support a research topic, and can also provide background information, company or association information, and basic facts about a topic. When using websites, always evaluate what you find, to avoid bias and verify information.

Recommended Websites