How do I choose keywords for my searches?
- Words to include
For a business research topic, you may want to include company names or keywords from your topic.
- Use quotation marks
This will find documents that contain the exact phrase placed between the quotation marks.
- Use * (an asterisk)
This will find various endings of the word fragment before the *. For example, searching for manage* will find documents containing manager, managers, management, etc. Note that you can use an asterisk in a phrase enclosed in quotation marks.
manage* AND communicat* AND ("virtual team*" OR "distributed team*")
Found too many results?
- Add more keywords, using AND
If you find that you are retrieving too many results, add more keywords to reflect additional concepts related to your topic.
manage* AND communicat* AND ("virtual team*" OR "distributed team*") AND trust
Found too few results?
- Add more keywords, using OR
If you are having trouble finding enough results, add synonyms or related terms for terms already used in your search statement.
manage* AND communicat* AND ("virtual team*" OR "distributed team*" OR "remote team*" OR "dispersed team*")